Each Day

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I have not posted for a few days as GMan caught a cold several days ago and then kindly shared it with me and I simply have not felt on top of the world.

During the past 5 days we have only left the house to take the dog for her regular walk and it has been good to be getting some exercise and enjoying the autumn sunshine on at least some of the days.

I have reflected on what I have actually done and realised that almost every day is a mix of some housework (but not too much), cooking, reading, watching television, walking, gardening, computer activity and sewing. Variety really is the spice of life. Not everything gets done every day but most times it does.

Then there are days when we are out and about all day so only the bare minimum of other stuff happens. Sometimes it is social activities or a mixture of shopping and appointments. It is probably just as well we have had a few quiet days at home as the diary for the coming week is looking rather full. We will be out more than we are home on 4 of the next 6 days. There will be a trip to Melbourne to do some shopping and meet up for lunch with friends visiting from interstate. Another day we will be in Bendigo for a series of appointments as well as some shopping. The weekend will be a social whirl with the locals – TEDX talks, lunch and music as well as a short film festival.

Every week and every day is different so it keeps us on our toes.

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