Monday Mending

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I chose to begin 2024 with a spot of mending.

A couple of weeks ago I noticed that the sheets on our bed were beginning to look a bit threadbare. I have 4 sets of QS sheets which I rotate for our bed and also the guest bed. Naturally the ones on the guest bed don’t get a lot of use. They are top quality pure cotton sheets and have lasted very well. In fact, I could not remember when I had last bought sheets. After doing some detective work I discovered that they would have been one of the sets referred to in this post from June 2011. Over 12 years is not bad.

However, I was not quite ready to throw them out. The top edge of the top sheet was literally disintegrating so I removed it and replaced it with a strip from a KS sheet which I bought recently from the local op shop. I used some of it for the backing of a quilt but there was plenty left for other projects.

Then I turned my attention to the bottom sheet. This had 2 small splits amid a larger very worn area. You can see the splits on the wrong side after I had placed a patch on the right side.

I use double-side fusible interfacing to secure the patch before sewing it. This also helps to reinforce the worn area. I used a piece of very similar fabric for the patch.

I know it probably doesn’t look particularly comfortable, I will be able to place the sheet so that the patch is near the foot of my side of the bed and my feet barely reach that spot.

I don’t know how much these repairs will extend the life of these sheets but it was a relatively easy fix and a worthwhile one in my opinion.

The other two jobs were alterations rather than mending. I had bought both of these tops at op shops recently and while they are in very good condition the sleeves were too long for me and the grey striped one was much too long in the body. I have adjusted them for a better fit and they are ready for wearing during the cooler months.

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