More Vegetables

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I want to share a recipe that has evolved in my kitchen since I first discovered that I could use cooked cauliflower as the base for a savoury white sauce rather than the traditional flour and butter roux.

The quantities listed are very flexible and only intended as a guide. The seasoning depends very much on your palate and should be adjusted accordingly.


1/2 large cauliflower, cut into pieces (including stalks)
500ml milk, dairy or plant-based
1&1/2 teaspoons salt
1/2 teaspoon dried rosemary
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 teaspoon smoky paprika

Cook cauliflower until tender – microwave or steamed. Puree the cooked cauliflower, gradually adding milk to create the required consistency.

At this stage it should be smooth but will taste like milky cauliflower. Gradually add seasoning of your choice. Other options include powdered onion or garlic.

The mixture freezes really well and is super versatile. Here are 4 jars ready to go in the freezer.

It can be used in any way you would normally use white sauce. I sometimes add to vegetables or use for a pancake filling with mushrooms and chicken. Tonight I used it for the base of a tuna pasta bake.

Here it is almost ready to go in the airfryer.

I will add some topping of flaxseed meal, nutritional yeast and a little grated cheese and serve with some sliced carrots and zucchini.